I ordered a helmet, unfortunately it was discontinued by the manufacturer. I received a phone call from Chris just minutes after placing my order to inform me of the news and they immediately refunded my money! Nobody does that anymore, the usual is an email 2 days after the order then wait 5-10 days for the refund (going thru this now with another company). Not with 58Cycle, they are on it! I was extremely impressed by 58Cycle's customer service and prompt action!!!
I ordered a helmet, unfortunately it was discontinued by the manufacturer. I received a phone call from Chris just minutes after placing my order to inform me of the news and they immediately refunded my money! Nobody does that anymore, the usual is an email 2 days after the order then wait 5-10 days for the refund (going thru this now with another company). Not with 58Cycle, they are on it! I was extremely impressed by 58Cycle's customer service and prompt action!!!