Our grandson, who is in the 3rd grade and in the gifted and talented program in his school, began his second year of training at Kwon’s Champion School for martial arts in the fall of 2015. With the personal and professional instruction provided by the teaching/training staff at Kwon’s, he has developed increased levels of discipline, self-respect, confidence, leadership skills, and acceptance for personal responsibility. The Kwon’s program of instruction also emphasizes the prompt and accurate completion of homework assignments by the students. We are very pleased with our grandson’s progress and development at Kwon’s Champion School. We highly recommend this after-school program as an excellent source of training and positive skills development.
Luther and Mona Smith
Our grandson, who is in the 3rd grade and in the gifted and talented program in his school, began his second year of training at Kwon’s Champion School for martial arts in the fall of 2015. With the personal and professional instruction provided by the teaching/training staff at Kwon’s, he has developed increased levels of discipline, self-respect, confidence, leadership skills, and acceptance for personal responsibility. The Kwon’s program of instruction also emphasizes the prompt and accurate completion of homework assignments by the students. We are very pleased with our grandson’s progress and development at Kwon’s Champion School. We highly recommend this after-school program as an excellent source of training and positive skills development. Luther and Mona Smith