Well first of all Greg Wilson, who aptly claims to be a Navy Captain, is not. He's a retired commander. So not only is he lying about his rank he's also an invested party (as in owner) with these dishonest purveyors of property management. I will say that Greg was pretty nice to deal with but up until I read his review of HIS company I had respect for the man- although his son is very professional and honest. Now, after reading his review, We have confirmation that he's a liar and swindler. It fits so well with their business model. Moreover their property manager, Gustavo Cruz is a pathological liar. Not only is he lazy but he's quite unprofessional. He never answers his phone if you have problem then when he responds he makes excuses and lies about what he has been up to. Most of the people who work with Riverside tolerate them because, for the most part, they do what they say they're going to do, it just may take them a week to accomplish. Being prompt or respectful of your time or personal space is not a priority even though you're paying them thousands of dollars each month. If the property is maintained by them just be weary of their procrastination and dishonesty. The experience I had with them was so incredibly sub-par that I have launched a formal complaint against them. Yes things did get fixed but days, sometimes weeks, sometimes never. This management group is very small time and they try and act like big shots but perform like sloths. Don't get overly excited with these guys because you're assured to be let down. Caveat Emptor.
Well first of all Greg Wilson, who aptly claims to be a Navy Captain, is not. He's a retired commander. So not only is he lying about his rank he's also an invested party (as in owner) with these dishonest purveyors of property management. I will say that Greg was pretty nice to deal with but up until I read his review of HIS company I had respect for the man- although his son is very professional and honest. Now, after reading his review, We have confirmation that he's a liar and swindler. It fits so well with their business model. Moreover their property manager, Gustavo Cruz is a pathological liar. Not only is he lazy but he's quite unprofessional. He never answers his phone if you have problem then when he responds he makes excuses and lies about what he has been up to. Most of the people who work with Riverside tolerate them because, for the most part, they do what they say they're going to do, it just may take them a week to accomplish. Being prompt or respectful of your time or personal space is not a priority even though you're paying them thousands of dollars each month. If the property is maintained by them just be weary of their procrastination and dishonesty. The experience I had with them was so incredibly sub-par that I have launched a formal complaint against them. Yes things did get fixed but days, sometimes weeks, sometimes never. This management group is very small time and they try and act like big shots but perform like sloths. Don't get overly excited with these guys because you're assured to be let down. Caveat Emptor. Thomas.